
Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.
— John F. Kennedy

As technology and customer expectations evolve, so too should our businesses and our ability to adapt with them.

TRAN/CHA works with business leaders to guide and coach each client through the successful steps required to achieve their goals. Working collaboratively with businesses, we are able to assist in the development of company visions and strategies, designing target operating models and implementing programmes of change.

With extensive experience and knowledge of the digital landscape, we will ensure that our clients have the tools needed to continuously exceed customer expectations and drive their businesses forward into the future.

The foundation of a successful business is identifying a compelling vision. Through facilitation and engagement, we will help you find the vision and strategy that works best for you.

A key driver for transformative change across many sectors, is the need to harness new technologies and ‘digitise’ operational areas. By helping you cultivate an agile culture, we will establish the capabilities needed for your business to thrive.

A rigid operating model can lead to a business becoming inflexible in an ever-changing environment. We will work with you to develop a business blueprint, designed to be adaptive and agile.

As the saying goes:

‘Culture eats Strategy for breakfast.’

So, to embed permanent change in your business, we will work with your leaders and employees to establish an empowered and motivated workforce that will be ready for Lunch and Dinner!

As the wants and needs of customers change, so too will the products and services created for them. We will support you to prove concepts, bring new products to market and iterate or refine existing portfolios.

Many smaller businesses find it difficult to access or afford the help and guidance from large consultancy firms. We have therefore designed a service to give one-to-one mentoring for smaller businesses and start-ups.